Angus Cattle
Pastured Angus
Angus Cattle
Angus cattle at Mahoning Creek Farm. We brought our small Registered Angus herd with us when we moved to the farm!
Bob, is the cattle man. He is the mastermind behind the cow families (or as we refer to it genetics) base. During his nearly 20 years managing South Branch Farms Angus herd. He focused on selecting cattle that would be trouble free, efficient, and produce beef that provides a great eating experience every time. Ultrasound and the collection of carcass data verified the progress.
In 2011 Morgan, our cattle lady, put the genetics to the test when she entered her steer in the National Junior Angus Carcass Show. Her steer was deemed 3rd place Angus Carcass Steer in the Nation, standing just behind the Grand and Reserve! Confirming how good we ate! The 3rd place steer in the nation was destined for our freezer prior to Morgan’s wise decision.
Our Angus genetics are rotationally grazed, utilizing grass to produce a very high quality beef product.
Calves are born and raised in the pasture with Bob checking on them and caring for any needs twice a day.
Both a cattleman and animal nutritionist, Bob knows the healthiest way to raise beef is to ensure they have adequate proper nutrition over the winter when the snow is deep in western PA. Therefore during the winter months Bob chooses to complement the hay with enough grain ration for the calves to continue to grow at a proper rate. His goal is for them never to have a bad day.
Thus just as we encourage our children to eat a balanced meal our cattle are encouraged to eat a balance diet throughout the winter. Fall, Spring and Summer are great months for a grass based feeding program that meets the cattles’ nutrition needs.
Our cattle do not have any added hormones; and while our first treatment is always probiotics, if an animal would ever have an illness or injury that requires antibiotic treatment we would utilize the medication in order for the animal to regain an excellent health status. Medicine directions are always followed and meticulous records are kept on any treatments ensuring animals are never marketed during a withdrawal period.
We think of it like treating a sick child. If our child was sick and required a medication we would utilize it for the sake of the child’s health and we treat our animals the same way.
We are extremely happy with our high quality pasture based Angus beef and know you will be too. Our goal is to share our high quality beef with your family allowing you to eat as well as we do.